The HITRUST CSF Companion Guide
The HITRUST CSF is a robust and scalable framework for managing regulatory compliance and risk management of organizations and their business associates. Originally designed specifically for the healthcare industry, the HITRUST framework has found success across multiple industries thanks to its unifying regulatory requirements and recognized frameworks.
For your convenience, A-LIGN has assembled our recent HITRUST CSF content into one easy-to-reference whitepaper, The HITRUST CSF Companion Guide.
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81% of Health Plan and 80% of Hospitals have adopted the HITRUST CSF.
With its ability to combine several assessments and frameworks into one, the HITRUST CSF allows clients to decide what they want to test against and selects controls based on the level of risk determined.
In this whitepaper we provide the benefits of HITRUST, the different types of HITRUST assessments available, and outline the HITRUST process.