Our 2025 Compliance Benchmark Report is here! Download now

How Your Organization Can Prepare for the Increase in Ransomware and Cyber Attacks

In 2021, we saw cyberattacks and ransomware increase with vengeance and 2022 has proven to be even more challenging.  

In our 2022 Compliance Benchmark Report, we surveyed more than 700 cybersecurity, IT, quality assurance, internal audit, finance, and other professionals about their compliance programs to gain a better understanding of their organization’s position when it comes to compliance, including strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. 

Here’s how organizations across industries are responding to increased threats and best preparing.

Ransomware Is at an All-time High 

A third-party assessment firm like A-LIGN can help you discover where your cybersecurity posture currently stands. Our one-of-a-kind Ransomware Preparedness Assessment reviews your risk, security preparedness, and the strength of your existing controls, helping you determine if your planned response to a security event is acceptable.