Healthcare Cybersecurity & Compliance in the Post-Pandemic Era
The COVID-19 Pandemic forced countless industries to move much of their processes online. While this new digital landscape has improved the way we work, it’s also helped hackers and other malicious actors. Healthcare industry players, including their business associates, are particularly vulnerable to cyber-attacks as bad actors seek to steal or leverage sensitive patient data for personal gain.
In this eBook, we explore the state of the cybersecurity and compliance landscape for those working in, or closely with, the healthcare industry. Download the eBook to get a clear picture of today’s threat landscape and tips on how you can prepare your organization’s defenses.

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2,000% increase in telemedicine use between 2019 to 2021
1/3 of healthcare organizations globally experienced a ransomware attack in 2020
10 steps to enhance your cyber security posture
5 most common healthcare compliance mistakes